The 2017 Season

A late but good beginning:

May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017

It finally stopped raining long enough for us to work up 4 beds and get some seeds and starts into the ground.  It's a good beginning, but the rain has returned again so we're back on the bench waiting for another weather break.  In a way it's good timing as the dam which waters the garden washed out during the winter and until the necessary repairs are made we would have a hard time keeping up with the watering.  Watch this space.



Yay!  May 20th and the water is fixed and working well!  500 gallons on the hoof!  We're ready for the dry spell (commonly referred to as 'summer' in places that don't measure their annual rainfall in feet).

Meanwhile, Planting and other work continue:

12/31/17 Update: Time passed, things changed and we had quite a rough patch, but the garden continued along and eventually yielded another mighty harvest.  A hard year but a good garden.

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